Sponsoring Committee


What We Do

The 777 Neptune Squadron Sponsoring Committee is responsible for raising funds for the Sponsoring Committee supported aspects of the training program, such as power familiarization flying, weekend exercises, band expenses, entrance fees and transportation for various outings, as well as rent, insurance and operating costs.

Who We Are

2021 - 2022 Executive Members and Directors: 

Jeff Tsai - Chair
E-mail: Chair@777NeptuneSSC.ca

Roy Chen - Vice-chair
E-mail: RoyC@777NeptuneSSC.ca

William D’Souza - Treasurer
E-mail: WilliamD@777neptunessc.ca

TBA - Secretary

Joining the Sponsoring Committee

Many parents ask how they can help with the squadron. The best way is to join the 777 Neptune Squadron Sponsoring Committee, which is your direct link to information about squadron activities and how you can participate.

The Sponsoring Committee is comprised of parents of cadets and is the primary sponsoring group for the squadron. Any parent can become a member of the committee by submitting an application form and being approved by the directors. We recommend that all parents become members of the committee.

Each member has one vote and the members elect the Board of Directors once a year. The Board of Directors choose the executive officers by electing a Chairperson and appointing the Vice-Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer. When a Director resigns, the balance of the Board of Directors will appoint a new temporary Director to fill the vacancy until the next annual general election is held.

Applications for NEW volunteers are available here

777 Sponsoring Committee Volunteer Application

Applications for RENEWALS are available here:

777 Parent Volunteer Renewal Application

If you have any questions or concerns please contact one of the Sponsoring Committee Executive Members.