Returning Summer Training Cadets:

We are very excited for our cadets and staff to be returning from their Summer Training!!! Here is the info of when they return:

Albert Head (Cadets & Staff) will be returning Saturday at the Sherman Armoury, 5500 #4 Rd, Richmond @ 11:30 am.

Comox (Cadets & Staff) will be returning Saturday at YVR Airport, Domestic Departures (Arriving by bus) @ 1:05 pm.

Vernon (Cadets) will be returning Saturday at YVR Airport (Arriving by plane) domestic arrivals on level 2 carousel #6 @ 6:40 pm #PAC-05b

Vernon (Staff) will be returning Saturday at Sherman Armoury, 5500 #4 Rd, Richmond @ 3:45 pm.

Enjoy having you children home, we look forward to seeing all of you on Wednesday Sept.4th


Returning Cadet Registration - Wednesday September 4th 2019


Change of Pick Up Time for Vernon Course Cadets